Its all about the mindset
In order to become a success in any field you have to first establish which areas of your life you have a fixed mindset. This is where you have a set number of beliefs that you feel that define you and that you are not able to change. You also have to take stock at which areas you are happy to have a growth mindset. For example, you may have been doing a certain job for many years and feel as though you can not be anything else. You may be too afraid to go abroad and travel or embrace Scientific discoveries or new technologies. (How to start a profitable business online from scratch free video link: )

Personally I don't think everyone is fixed in every area, although this gets harder as you get older. Even school children think a certain way and have limiting factors at a young age, which act like barriers to learning! They may think ' I'm no good at this subject' or 'Its too hard' or 'I'll never ever be good at it' or 'I'm just not going to be able to cut it' or 'My friend/parent/sibling can't do it, so I won't either' or 'I couldn't before so I can't do it now'... etc. In other words they self sabotage.
You also said these sorts of things to yourself as a kid, so it's no wonder we grow up with these ideas that lead to barriers in our adult life!

Then there is the growth mindset. You may have been a curious child. You may have not allowed set backs to form concrete barriers to your personality or performance. You may have said to yourself things like 'I'm really great at this' or ''everyone else can do it and so can I' or 'It's hard but I will get it in the end' or 'I will give it a go and keep trying'. There is resilience and setbacks just don't bother you because you just keep going no matter what.

So your first job is to decide which areas you are fixed in and which areas you have a growth mindset. You also need to decide what your true goals and core values are. What are your priorities?
Write these down, giving yourself time frames for hitting each goal post. Next you need to image and visualise what it feels like to reach each stage. Live it, breath it, feel it. This requires a branch of NPL (Neurolinguistic Programming). Say it out aloud and associate it with only positive outcomes. This will imprint the journey in your unconscious and subconscious mind. Show gratitude that you have already reached the goals and then revisit those goals.
Sometimes you may hit a wall! Be warned and expect it. If its exercise, a diet or quitting a bad habit you will try to talk yourself out of the goal and in this case you need a back up plan. You need to be prepared to tell yourself exactly what to do in that circumstance. The self talk needs to be strong in in phase as your polar opposite side will try to distract you from your required outcome. Circumstances beyond your control may also try to stop you. (Circumstantial coincidences or obstacles or barriers to learning will try to meet you). In this situation you have to acknowledge it, its there but it will go away. Forgive yourself by accepting in and move on!
If you can't then review the process. Redefine your goals. Ask yourself why they've changed and decide to get back on track as soon as possible. The key here is to be consistent and persist. Seek like minded people who are where you want to be. Use them as inspiration. Share some time with them if at all possible and you will feel your energy in that field return. Remember this will all work out if you choose it!
Sending you abundance and joy!
Personally I don't think everyone is fixed in every area, although this gets harder as you get older. Even school children think a certain way and have limiting factors at a young age, which act like barriers to learning! They may think ' I'm no good at this subject' or 'Its too hard' or 'I'll never ever be good at it' or 'I'm just not going to be able to cut it' or 'My friend/parent/sibling can't do it, so I won't either' or 'I couldn't before so I can't do it now'... etc. In other words they self sabotage.
You also said these sorts of things to yourself as a kid, so it's no wonder we grow up with these ideas that lead to barriers in our adult life!
Then there is the growth mindset. You may have been a curious child. You may have not allowed set backs to form concrete barriers to your personality or performance. You may have said to yourself things like 'I'm really great at this' or ''everyone else can do it and so can I' or 'It's hard but I will get it in the end' or 'I will give it a go and keep trying'. There is resilience and setbacks just don't bother you because you just keep going no matter what.
So your first job is to decide which areas you are fixed in and which areas you have a growth mindset. You also need to decide what your true goals and core values are. What are your priorities?
Write these down, giving yourself time frames for hitting each goal post. Next you need to image and visualise what it feels like to reach each stage. Live it, breath it, feel it. This requires a branch of NPL (Neurolinguistic Programming). Say it out aloud and associate it with only positive outcomes. This will imprint the journey in your unconscious and subconscious mind. Show gratitude that you have already reached the goals and then revisit those goals.
Sometimes you may hit a wall! Be warned and expect it. If its exercise, a diet or quitting a bad habit you will try to talk yourself out of the goal and in this case you need a back up plan. You need to be prepared to tell yourself exactly what to do in that circumstance. The self talk needs to be strong in in phase as your polar opposite side will try to distract you from your required outcome. Circumstances beyond your control may also try to stop you. (Circumstantial coincidences or obstacles or barriers to learning will try to meet you). In this situation you have to acknowledge it, its there but it will go away. Forgive yourself by accepting in and move on!
If you can't then review the process. Redefine your goals. Ask yourself why they've changed and decide to get back on track as soon as possible. The key here is to be consistent and persist. Seek like minded people who are where you want to be. Use them as inspiration. Share some time with them if at all possible and you will feel your energy in that field return. Remember this will all work out if you choose it!
Sending you abundance and joy!
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