Feed your passion

Are you outstanding in your line of work? Do you love what you do?
Perhaps that’s why you are or aren’t getting the results you want. People who consistently achieve outstanding results all have this in common: they are passionate about what they do. It’s no longer work, but an active participation of joy and creativity.
I spent the three years doing a Biochemistry with Chemistry degree at University so that I could go on to do technical work in the biochemical industry. After a short time working for a famous pharmaceutical company I decided that I wanted to become a Science Teacher. I did a Physics and Philosophy two year PGCE in Education.

Very soon after, I landed my first teaching job and quickly worked my way up the ladder, taking every extra opportunity I could. I worked as Second in charge of Science, Head of Science, Applied Science coordinator and Teacher Governor. It should have been straightforward to move up and become a Deputy Headteacher from there. I had made all the ticks in the right boxes. Just at this point, my personal life had begun to take off too. I was a new bride filled with hope for the future and magical intentions for all around me.
I decided to purchase our first property with my husband and move area. I didn't have a job and risky as it sounds I thought I could find one easily like I had done in the past. I tried different jobs in Sales, I worked in a Bank for a while but became easily bored. I worked as an estate agent for six months and found the commission based income financially dissatisfying.  After a few years, I finally found a school I felt at home at and although my enthusiasm had somehow tapered off I knew I could make incremental impacts. I took a step back and we decided to start a family.
The first child was an absolute angel! He brought a joy to my life that I could not describe. I was elevated to the point that I decided to have twins! This sounded great at the time but was difficult in practice. I found going back to work difficult as every time I left the house the babies would be pulling at my heartstrings.
My priorities changed as I felt I couldn't give more to my job and less to my demanding children. I tried working as an adult tutor and a personal private teacher. This helped me to renew my love of teaching. I also switched to teaching Maths for a little while, just to keep the enthusiasm fresh. Now my twins are eight and the eldest is ten years old, I recently decided to ease off mainstream teaching altogether because I couldn't commit to spending weekends and evenings marking and planning constantly as well as dealing with the demands of a full-time job. I tried working part-time for a while but ended up putting in the full-time hours unpaid anyway.

Over time, I recognized that I naturally gravitated towards searching online for more and more jobs that would put me in the same position as teaching but wasn't sure if I would be engaged in it as much as I was in teaching students. The idea of working for somebody else was still restrictive and I was also fed up with traveling to work and back. Facing traffic on a daily basis was off-putting.  
I didn’t give up. I read books, took webinar worked on personal education projects and brought my new found knowledge onto each new job as a supply teacher on yearly contracts. 
It then came naturally to me that working from home would suit me best. I could take my children to school and see them in the evenings. I could make their dinner and spend time with them as I chose. This need for time-freedom really made me search hard and wide.
It was Christmas 2017 (yes that recent) that I had an epiphany. I came across an advert to become an Online Marketer.I was listening to Kurt Maloo 'Life could not be better'. Those of you that see my posts know that I listen to Double, Blur, Oasis, Pulp, Stone Roses etc on Youtube to relax and unwind. At the beginning of the video advert, I saw Stuart Ross discussing his online learning platform. I decided to subscribe and take a look to see if I could actually follow this learning training and take positive steps every day, to change my current situation. I am now following this online training every day. There are lots of modules and each one is looking at various aspects of using your skills to boost your online confidence.

Lessons from Following My Passion
Here is a summary of lessons I’ve learned through this experience:
  • Anything is possible if you want it bad enough
  • When you follow your heart, not only will you contribute more to your organization, you will utilize less energy and you will feel happier.
  • We are all naturally gifted in certain disciplines. You’ll know when you find it because you can quickly grasp new concepts, you find it enjoyable, and doing it comes easily to you; 
  • Doing something that is not natural to our abilities and interests is like swimming against the current. You’ll eventually get to the shore, but it will take you longer and will excerpt extra energy.
  • Doing things that come naturally to us and align with our interests feels like swimming along with the current. You’ll get to the shore smoothly and with little effort.
  • When you are clear about wanting something, take action towards its attainment, and persist until you reach it, the universe will conspire to make it a reality. Your energy and determination will move people, and they will find ways to help you.
  • Insecurities and negative self-talk derived from fear achieve nothing, except to convince us that we are failures and losers. These are lies that only appear real in our imagination.
  • The roadblocks you encounter on the way to reaching your destination are actually gifts. Treat them as challenges that you were meant to experience and learn from. They are like small tests that the universe presents us with as if asking: “How bad do you really want this? Have you given up yet?”
  • When you listen to your heart, follow your passion, and do what you love to do, it’s hard not to be outstanding. You’re almost guaranteed to succeed.

Finding Your Passion

At any given point, we have the option to choose one of many potential lives for ourselves. Ask yourself, which of the many lives will inspire me more? Which do I desire the most? What do I gravitate towards? What does my heart say?

Some of you may be wondering, what if I don’t have a passion? Then, go out and find one. The thing to note is that we’re not restricted to a single passion, we may have many. But at any particular moment, there is only one that we want more than the rest. http://tidyurl.com/g1edne
There are no right or wrong answers. Your interests, desires, and passions are a reflection of the unique brand that is you. No one else can discover or express your passions for you.
Here are some questions and tips aimed at helping you discover your passion. I recommend grabbing a pen and notepad to answer some of them on paper. Write down the first few answers that come to mind without editing.
  • Interest – Explore activities you are interested in; whether they are professional or personal interests. Remember that personal interests can turn professional very quickly if you believe in yourself and keep persisting.
  • Try Something New – Is there a job or activity that you’ve always been curious about? Maybe it’s starting an online store, or the project manager role at your company, or running a marathon. Learn as much as you can about it. Explore your interests, try them out and see what sticks. Much of life is about making choices and filtering out options. What you’re doing here is filtering out potential activities that you can get passionate about.
  • Play By Strength – Look at your strengths and see which jobs or activities demand those skills. Try asking yourself the following questions:
    • What am I good at?
    • What tasks do I find easy to do?
    • What parts of my job do I enjoy doing? Why?
  • Ask People – Sometimes, other people can see our qualities clearer than we can, since their minds are not inhibited by our negative self-talk. Ask your friends, family and close co-workers what they think your best qualities are? Ask them what they think you are good at and what professions they think you would excel in?
  • The Questions – Answer any or all of the questions below. Consider the answers and how they can be applied towards understanding your passions.
    • “If I could have any job, what would it be?”
    • “If I could try any job in my current organization, what would that be?”
    • “If all of my expenses were suddenly paid for every month by an invisible source, what would I be doing with my time?”
    • These are all questions I have considered myself for the last two years and I have come up with my answers.

    • Wishing you great success.

    • Sparklinshe
    • Visit my website Careerchangersworld.com and click on the links on how to become an Internet marketer.
    • Positivechangesworld.com


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