How to be outstanding...

How to be outstanding and live a life of true personal power.
How to be outstanding......?
What I mean by outstanding could be one of three things:
a) You are exceptionally good at what you do. Well done!
b) You've not paid me yet or...
c) We have unfinished business

To be outstanding is a matter of criteria and perception. What makes a person exceptional at what they do could be the level of expertise they could apply to a particular role. I might be amazing at something but if you don't like me, you may see everything I do in a particular area as not meeting your needs. Conversely you may think that I'm completely off my trolley but am great at doing X and Y.   (Free trial videos digital Education)

The next option is that you correctly percieve me as exceptional good and that this has built up a legacy of respect. I am now renouned, a specialist or expert in a particular field, a genius or a hero.
Being outstanding holds a high burden of responsibility and an expectation of being wonderful and amazing all the time. It doesnt mean you have to be outstanding in every area of your life but effective self improvement means that you are able to positively reflect on a daily basis, what is going well in your life, and what you need to improve on. Perhaps being outstanding and being satisfied with that breds resentment in others and arrogance or a level of compliancy on your part. Maybe you are flexible and humble. You are at a place where the perception of others does not bother or affect you in any way. Maybe then you are outstanding and begin to live a life of true personal power... Life change post

Lord Flashheart...from Blackadder. ref:

Ace Rimmer from Red Dwarf: What a guy!
He's a git!' Readyforchange

The exception and amazing specialism does not have to be publicised because you know you are already that which you want to be. You simply have to be thankful for what your future self is turning into and is going to be. You have the propensity to be what you want and you have it in the bag already! That way you expect it of yourself and take back the need to rise to the attachment and life in the what ifs and that little corner of doubt that it may or may not work out.
You may then think that I'm asking you to lie to yourself or falsely get your hopes up. That's just the cynic in you talking. I like that cynic because I am one myself. What I do trust is myself and my own judgement. If you met your future self what would they be like? Who do you want to be? How do you see yourself in five, ten, fifteen years from now? If you dont take action nothing changes. What actions will you need to take? Ask yourself how badly you want to be this person and why.
Do you really think that you can make the world or the universe like the real you? Outstanding is primarily the perception of being amazing at something. You already are amazing so what will you do to show you are amazing.
The universe mirrors you. It doesnt think itself but uses your feelings, thoughts and emotions. If you are outstanding already then the Universe mirrors that. If you inherently have doubts and engage in self sabbotage, the universe conspires to give you what you ask for. Is this what you are asking for by engaging in it.
Deep levels of thought, intention and a strong sense of direction is what you need.
Sometimes you could be outstanding at something new because your perceptions are already fixed in a specific are and  the burden of your previous self perception is no longer serving you. You should live a life of personal power by deciding what your priorities are and taking a calculated intelligent risk.

Have a great evening!


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